Spring has sprung for Carroll County high school sports

Baseball, softball, boys lacrosse, girls lacrosse, boys tennis, girls tennis, boys track, and girls track have begun the 2022 season in Carroll County.

The mad dash to the end of the 2021-22 high school sports calendar is finally upon us.

It's spring sports time in Maryland, and public schools officially began the regular season for baseball, softball, lacrosse, tennis, and track and field on March 21.

I'll do my best to provide roundups of Carroll boys and girls lacrosse results, with game scores and some highlights from all of the county teams. If you want to see your favorite team included, encourage a coach or team rep to email me with as much information as possible from each contest (pstoetzer@carrollmediacenter.org is the email address). 

I have reached out to the lacrosse coaches, so hopefully the results and stats leaders will start pouring in! As was the case in the fall and winter seasons, this is a new spot for me when it comes to delivering high school sports content to Carroll County.

But we start small and watch it grow, right?

So let's get into what has gone on so far this week when it comes to lacrosse.

Girls Lacrosse

Century 21, Dulaney 9

Recap: The Knights won their opener March 21 behind 6 goals apiece from Caroline Little and Jasmine Stanton, who also had 4 assists. Anna Hackett scored 4 goals and Lauren Hackett had 3.

Francis Scott Key 18, Smithsburg 3

Recap: Bailey Marron and Drew Watkins had 4 goals each for the Eagles in their March 22 opener. Watkins added 9 draw controls and 3 ground balls for FSK.

Man Valley 20, Franklin 0

Recap: The Mavericks tossed a shutout in their March 21 opener as Emma Penczek and Erin Herrold had 5 goals each. Casey Meredith added 4 goals and Sarah Brisson had 3 assists, as did Madison Fisher.

South Carroll 9, Linganore 8

Recap: Freshman Leah Miller netted the game-winning goal with 7.4 seconds to go to lift the Cavaliers in their March 22 opener. Miller and McTavish had 3 goals each and McTavish handed out 5 assists.

Westminster 17, C. Milton Wright 13 (March 21)

Liberty 20, Catoctin 0

Recap: The Lions won March 22 with a rout against the Cougars, who they beat in the 1A state quarterfinals last spring en route to the state championship. Val Thompson had 4 goals and 4 assists, and Ally Pond added 3 goals and 3 assists. Riley Matthiesen also scored 3 goals.

Check out the CMSportsNet highlights from Liberty's season-opening win.


Boys Lacrosse

Westminster 15, C. Milton Wright 5

Recap: Zack Johnson totaled 5 goals and 4 assists for the Owls in their opener March 21. Alex Steers finished with 4 goals and 1 assist.

Franklin 15, Man Valley 9

Recap: Grant Miller led the Mavs in their opener March 21 with 3 goals, and Gavin Reid dished out 3 assists. JT Calhoun collected 2 goals and 2 assists.

Smithsburg 8, FSK 0 (March 21)

Dulaney 7, Century 5 (March 21)

Fallston 13, Winters Mill (March 21)

Liberty 15, Catoctin 3 (March 22)

Linganore 8, South Carroll 4 (March 22)