155th Westminster Memorial Day Remembrance Parade 5-30-2022
155th Westminster Memorial Day Remembrance Parade, presented by Carroll Post 31, the American Legion, on May 30, 2022
155th Westminster Memorial Day Remembrance Parade, presented by Carroll Post 31, the American Legion, on May 30, 2022
Coverage of Westminster's 157th annual Memorial Day Remembrance Parade and Observance Ceremony, presented by American Legion Carroll Post 31. The parade down Main Street in Westminster begins at 10 a.m. and the ceremony from Westminster cemetery begins at 11 a.m. For over 80 years, American [ . . . ]
155th Westminster Memorial Day Remembrance Parade, presented by Carroll Post 31, the American Legion, on May 30, 2022
155th Westminster Memorial Day Observance Ceremony presented by Carroll Post 31, the American Legion, on Monday, May 30, 2022
Hampstead American Legions Memorial Day Service 2020
The Community Media Center, (CMC) in partnership with The American Legion - Carroll Post 31 present a special Memorial Day Remembrance Program
Watch our coverage of the 152nd Annual Memorial Day Parade as it marches down Westminster's Main Street, followed by the ceremony at Westminster Cemetery.
The Community Media Center was honored to provide live coverage of the 152nd Westminster Memorial Day Parade and Observance on Monday, May 27 [ . . . ]