Carroll County History Project

Steve Whisler - US Navy Veteran Interview 10-22-2024

Stephen Whisler served in the U.S. Navy from Jun 2, 1986, to July 31, 2006.  He shares his experiences with the Carroll County History Project.

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he Carroll County History Project was created by the Community Media Center (CMC) in 2008 as an ongoing, multi-part effort to preserve the history of Carroll County, Maryland by collecting videotaped memories of the people who live here and by producing documentary programs about the county, local issues, and the unique experiences of area residents. These stories, from everyday people, help to paint a picture of Carroll County’s history and how it has changed throughout the years. These personal accounts help bring history to life, and put a name and a face on local events. Each month, local interviews are broadcast on Comcast Cable Channel 19 and HD 1086 in Carroll County.
