8th Annual Drug Overdose & Prevention Vigil The Carroll County State’s Attorney's Office presents: The 8th Annual Drug Overdose &…
Addiction impacts an individual's health, their finances, their family, and more. We’ve assembled some of the leading minds in our…
With substance abuse often comes consequences through the court system. Here to discuss some of the legal consequences both positive…
The effects of substance use disorders are far reaching and the consequences can impact many areas of a person’s life. In this episode…
There are many medical consequences of addiction; from overdoses to liver diseases, like hepatitis, and HIV. Here to discuss some of the…
The easiest way to prevent addiction would be to to stop it before it starts, but how can we get in front of such a formidable…
Often people ask how early prevention should start with our kids. Here to to tell us about some of the different prevention programs in…
Harm reduction is a hot topic when it comes to addiction and prevention. Here to give us some professional insight to what harm…
Prevention is the key to stopping addiction and it can take on many shapes and forms. Here to discuss some of the prevention…
One of the best ways to fight addiction is to stop it before it starts. In this episode of Real Talk we focus on prevention and what’s…
Prevention is the key to stopping addiction and it can take on many shapes and forms. Here to discuss some of the prevention strategies…
Recovery is a lifelong journey for those addicted to substances. It isn’t easy and setbacks are common. But recovery is possible. Today,…
When it comes to recovery from addiction, there are many of options available. Meghan Graves join us today to talk about the different…
Sometimes recovery involves monitoring through different diversion programs Carroll County offers. Diversion programs offer a safety net…
Recovery from addiction is a never-ending process and ongoing support is key to its success. But what does that support look like? To…
Like other chronic diseases like heart disease or asthma, treatment for drug addiction usually isn't a cure. But addiction can be…
Tammy Lofink lost her son Robert in 2014 to a fatal drug overdose. She joins us today to share her story.
Recovery from addiction is a never-ending process and ongoing support is key to its success. But what does that support look like? Find…