Carroll County State's Attorney's Office

9th Annual Drug Overdose & Prevention Vigil 5-14-2024

The 9th Annual Drug Overdose & Prevention Vigil, sponsored by the Carroll County State's Attorney's Office, took place on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
Programs presented by the Carroll County State's Attorney's Office


9th Annual Drug Overdose & Prevention Vigil 5-14-2024

The 9th Annual Drug Overdose & Prevention Vigil, sponsored by the Carroll County State's Attorney's Office, took place on Tuesday, May…

8th Annual Drug Overdose & Prevention Vigil

8th Annual Drug Overdose & Prevention Vigil The Carroll County State’s Attorney's Office presents: The 8th Annual Drug Overdose &…

7th Annual Drug Overdose & Prevention Vigil

Watch coverage of the 7th annual Drug Overdose and Prevention Vigil, presented by the Carroll County State's Attorney's Office, on…

6th Annual Drug Overdose And Prevention Vigil

The Carroll County State's Attorney Office humbly recognizes the lives lost to drug addiction and provides community support to the…

5th Annual Overdose And Prevention Vigil 2019

Carroll County State's Attorney Office humbly recognizes the lives lost to drug addiction and provides community support to the…

Carroll County State's Attorney Drug Overdose Vigil 2018

Carroll County State's Attorney Drug Overdose Vigil 2018 Carroll County State's Attorney Office humbly recognizes the lives lost to drug…